
Private Utility Locating in Friesland, Wisconsin

Has the Digger’s hotline been unable to locate private utilities on your site? Call Ground Penetrating Radar Systems, Inc. – GPRS – of Wisconsin.

GPRS, Inc. was contacted by a grain producing plant in Friesland, WI to locate many private utilities in areas where digging was to take place. GPRS, Inc. was able to locate sewer, sanitary, water lines, and electric lines on site. Many of these utilities were made of plastic and unable to be located by traditional methods. Thanks to GPR technology, GPRS, Inc. was able to locate the lines of search for safe excavation. GPR was able to penetrate over 6’ in depth in areas to locate very deep utilities.

Ground penetrating radar is a great tool to scan areas of post tension cables, rebar, and conduits, including PVC pipes and to locate underground utilities prior to digging or excavating. GPR can also locate voids, remaining foundations, and is great for UST locating! Please contact Ground Penetrating Radar Systems – GPRS to learn how we can assist with your project. To locate rebar, post tension cables, voids, conduits, pipes or utilities in concrete or underground please contact us today.